How to Add a Signature Image Below Every Post of Blogger based Blog
Do you want to add your Signature Below Each Post of your blog.This feature will add more professional look to your each Post and make it look beautiful.As this Blogger hack is very easy to implement and most of us would be knowing how to use it in blogger.
Create a signature using MyLiveSignature or any other blogs.
Login to Blogger>>>Go To LAYOUT>>>Then Click On Edit HTML>>>Check Mark Expand Widgets>>>Press Ctrl+F
Search For below code:-
Paste the following code just below it
Please provide url in above code,align =left is for to tell position of signature below each post make it to center or right where ever you want it to place below each post.
If you are using read more hack you may find that red line you searched twice in your html,so please add the codes after the second line .
Create a signature using MyLiveSignature or any other blogs.
Login to Blogger>>>Go To LAYOUT>>>Then Click On Edit HTML>>>Check Mark Expand Widgets>>>Press Ctrl+F
Search For below code:-
Paste the following code just below it
<p><div align="left"><img src="http://your url of the signature picture you created in step 1" /></div></p>
Please provide url in above code,align =left is for to tell position of signature below each post make it to center or right where ever you want it to place below each post.
If you are using read more hack you may find that red line you searched twice in your html,so please add the codes after the second line .
Feel free to leave comment if you like above widget, have any questions or just say Hi! :)