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change image with click on tabs or thumbnails using jQuery

We can change Image in a div by clicking on thumbnails using jQuery without any CSS.

<table border="1" >
     <td colspan="3"><div id="thumb"><img src='Default-Image.jpg' height='200px' widht='200px' ></div>
   <div id="one"><img src='img-thum1.jpg' height='50px' widht='50px' ></div>
   <div id="two"><img src='img-thum2.jpg' height='50px' widht='50px' ></div>
   <div id="three"><img src='img-thum3.jpg' height='50px' widht='50px' ></div>

jQuery CODE
<script src=""></script>

$("#one").click(function() {
  $("#thumb").html("<img src='Big-Image1.jpg' height='200px' widht='200px' >");

$("#two").click(function() {
  $("#thumb").html("<img src='Big-Image1.jpg' height='200px' widht='200px' >");

$("#three").click(function() {
  $("#thumb").html("<img src='Big-Image1.jpg' height='200px' widht='200px' >");



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