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AngularJS basic file structure to use

app.js var app = angular.module('mdmApp', ['ngRoute','ngTouch', 'ui.bootstrap','angular-perfect-scrollbar-2']); app.config(function ($routeProvider) { $routeProvider .when('/', { title: 'My Deals', routeName: 'home', slideMenu: false, isSideDisabled: true, controller: 'NGMyDeals', templateUrl: 'html/NG-my-deals.html' }) .when('/advancedSearch/:edit', { title: 'Advanced Search', routeName: 'advancedSearch', slideMenu: true, isSideDisabled: false, controller: 'NGAdvanceSearch', templateUrl: 'html/NG-advance-search.html' }) .when('/createNewScenario', { title: '', routeName: 'createNewScenario', slideMenu: true, isSideDisabled: false, templateUrl: 'html/NG-create-new-scenario.html' }) .when('/advancedSearchResults', { title: 'Search Results', routeName: 'advancedSearchResults', slideMenu: true, isSideDisabled: false, controller: 'NGMyDeals', templateUrl: 'html/NG-search-results.html' }) .when('/login', { title: 'Login As Proxy', routeName: 'login', slideMenu: true, isSideDisabled: false, templateUrl: 'html/login-as-proxy.html' }) .when('/saveSearches', { title: 'Saved Searches', routeName: 'home', slideMenu: true, isSideDisabled: false, templateUrl: 'html/NG-save-searches.html' }) .when('/dealPricing', { title: 'Deal Pricing', routeName: 'dealPricing', slideMenu: true, isSideDisabled: false, templateUrl: 'html/NG-deal-pricing.html' }) .when('/components', { title: 'Components', routeName: 'components', slideMenu: false, isSideDisabled: false, templateUrl: 'html/components.html' }) .otherwise({ redirectTo: '/' }); }); ----------------------------------- controllers.js app.controller('MainController', function ($scope, $http, $location, $modal) { $scope.slideMenu = function () { $scope.slideMenuActive = !$scope.slideMenuActive; }; $scope.radioModel='LPL'; $scope.openChangeAccess = function (size) { var modalInstance = ${ animation : 'true', templateUrl : 'templates/common/changeAccess.html', controller: 'ModalInstanceCtrl', size : 'md' }); }; $scope.openAddProxy = function (size) { var modalInstance = ${ animation : 'true', templateUrl : 'templates/common/addProxy.html', controller: 'ModalInstanceCtrl', size : 'lg' }); }; $scope.openQuickLinks = function (size) { var modalInstance = ${ animation : 'true', templateUrl : 'templates/common/quickLinks.html', controller: 'ModalInstanceCtrl', size : 'lg' }); }; $scope.openDeleteRow = function (size) { var modalInstance = ${ animation : 'true', templateUrl : 'templates/common/deletePopup.html', controller : 'ModalInstanceCtrl', size : 'sm' }); }; $scope.openAppReq = function (size) { var modalInstance = ${ animation : 'true', templateUrl : 'templates/myDeals/appRequired.html', controller : 'ModalInstanceCtrl', size : 'lg' }); }; $scope.go = function ( path ) { $location.path( path ); }; $scope.typeAhead = ['Mary Williams (marywill)']; $scope.scrollopts = { wheelSpeed: 1, wheelPropagation: true, minScrollbarLength: 20 }; }); ------------------------------------------- directives.js app.directive('toggleClass', function() { return { restrict: 'A', link: function(scope, element, attrs) { element.bind('click', function() { element.toggleClass(attrs.toggleClass); }); } }; }); app.directive('selectBox', function($timeout) { return { restrict: 'E', replace: true, scope: { selected: '=', array: '=', class: '=' }, template: '', controller: ['$scope', function($scope) { $scope.changeVal = function(v){ $scope.array[0].selectedValue = v; } }] }; });


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